
We work with a community of expertly trained and experienced practitioners with a range of backgrounds, interests and geography.  They are all extraordinary, smart, passionate men and women, unified in their ambition to positively and proactively impact the world.

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Kate Williams MSc, C Psychol, AFBPsS

Kate is a Registered Occupational Psychologist with 20 years’ experience of consulting in organisations across varied sectors in the UK and Internationally.  She supports organisations in meeting their objectives by developing people at a team and individual level through the application of psychology and advises on culture, teams, leadership, selection, assessment and development. As a coach and group facilitator, Kate is quick to connect with people and their business issues, is direct, and someone who creates an environment that encourages self-awareness and action.


Felicity Lee C.Psychol.

I am a corporate psychologist and coach.  My passion is helping people be the best they can be and live in a purposeful way; as leaders and as team members and colleagues in the world at large.  My work centres around executive coaching, coaching and leadership programmes. I employ a systemic approach with psychological rigour and leadership best practice.  I work with integrity, insight, warmth and persistence.  My passions are my family, interior design, primates and fighting for cleaner air for all of us.


Matt Shepheard

Matt has a background leading organisations in the Third Sector and works as a systemic coach, facilitator and therapist.  He is programme director of an educational trust and works with systemic constellations in group workshops and one-to-one sessions, applying the work to organisational and family systemic issues. 


Jon Hall, MA, MMT

 Jon Hall is a Music Therapist and Producer.  Founder of Outsider Music, his vision is to harness the transformative power of creativity, and the unique power of musical performance, to help clients of any age or background achieve their goals or cope with personal challenges.  Jake and Jon together created Apod Music, taking the transformative power of music in to organisations to support team and organisational development.

 Morgan Butterfield

Morgan is a teacher and musician who brings his study of global rhythms and dynamic, interpersonal processes to a range of cultures, ages and communities. He also works as a coming of age mentor for young men, closely linked with the ethos of A Band of Brothers and The Mankind Project. Additionally, he works as a Forest School Leader with young children in London, bringing together natural processes and music in an urban environment.


Kirstin Irving, C.Psychol.

Kirstin’s work as a facilitator, consultant and coach has centred for the past 20+ years on what it means to effectively navigate change, particularly in corporate settings. Given the multiple strengthening imperatives for change that we face currently in the world, her particular interest is in how we can grow our capacities for transformation, to more effectively navigate the complex situations we face, in work and life. She is founding Director of ChangeTools and works as an Associate with Leaders Quest. 


Hazel Hill Trust (HHT)

HHT, principally through its work at Hazel Hill, aims to promote wellbeing, resilience and sustainability: for individuals, society and the natural world.  Hazel Hill is a beautiful, secluded 70-acre wood and sustainable retreat education centre, seven miles from Salisbury, offering scope for people to deepen their connection with nature and learn about living renewably. 

Jake is deputy chair of the trust, working alongside colleagues to further its aims.  She also runs workshops at the wood including a project to support community and well-being for families.